(a villanelle)
The Shield, the Sow, and the Shining Sea,
Whether giant’s brew brought or Brisingamen won,
Few are so fair or so fierce as she.
Warriors come by Vanadis’s decree
To her Field of Folk when all is done-
The Shield, the Sow, and the Shining Sea.
When stone-reddener makes his desperate plea,
Worthy answers are won for Innstein’s son,
For few are so fair or so fierce as she.
Cat driver, boar rider, seidh-worker, free
She flies, falcon-feathered, under the sun;
The Shield, the Sow, and the Shining Sea.
Dwarves’ demand, Thrym’s enthrallment, Builder’s fee;
Desired by many, but owned by none,
For few are so fair or so fierce as she.
Hail good Lady, Hail Great Giving One
Whose generosity is never outdone,
Named Shield, and Sow, and the Shining Sea,
For none are so fair and so fierce as thee.
© 2008 Sorn Skald
- This poem is in the Common Domain and may be
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