I've written a lot of verse over the years. And when I say a lot, I mean reams and reams of the stuff. Some of it I even like after I'm done with it. The following are a few compositions of mine that as of right now don't make me blush, gag, or shake my head in exasperation with myself.


Free, Blank, and similar verse:

At Hringi Ullar (a sonnet) (final version Winternights/Disablot 2006)

Bees (circa 1990)

Bear-Shirt (Locust 1) (circa 1992)

Death of Youth (circa 1997)

Gardener (a sonnet) (Spring 2007)

'K (circa 1994)

Hel's Eyes (circa 1997)

On Dying in a Chinese Restaurant (circa 1998)

Oak of Odin (a sonnet) (January 13, 2008)

Red (Winternights 2009)

Snails (circa 1990)

Thanksgiving Repair (circa 1999)

Tuatara (Locust 3) (circa 2000)


Haiku, Tanka, Waka, and similar forms:

Fish (circa 1999)

Machine Marionette (final version late summer 2006)

Master Sergeant (January 19, 2008)

Spring Bouquet (circa 2000)


Terza Rima:

Thor's Fishing Trip (Summer 2005)

Twelve (June 24, 2007)

Wisdom (June 18, 2005)



Lady (Final version Midsummer 2008)

The Unnameable (April 15, 1997)

Whoever First Quenches the Flames (Final version Winternights/Disablot 2005)