At Hringi Ullar
(a sonnet)
As summer dies another death,
And days grow short and nights grow long,
As ravens’ croak replaces robins’ song,
And first frost touches us with frozen breath;
As Grimnir waits for Agnar’s horn
And sits, cloak singed, near pillars of flame,
As Wanderer goes to earn his name
And bring about that Hodr’s bane is born:
Now will the Hunter retool his bow,
Prepare his skis for the coming of snow.
Now will Ollerus ascend to the shelf,
Dispense wise words to Ash, Ás, and Ælf.
Hail Ullr, master of bow, shield, and sword.
Hail Ullr, glorious oath-hearing lord.
© 2006 Sorn Skald
- This poem is in the Common Domain and may be
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